
Important: Werewolves

Gchat status said what’s up.


Oh no, you guys. It seems like I’ve got an Online First Person Fictional Character Narrator going on. Plz welcome INTERNATIONAL GOODFISH.

Yoga Business Website Client

I have to go set up a page for a yoga business— (These page set-ups are really adding up—I think I’m starting a Web/Graphic/Blog Design Business. )

An unnecessary picture of Jesus

 I have to go make a blog for an unnecessary picture of Jesus. I’ll be back.

what’s going on?.

 what’s going on?., sorry I’m really busy setting up fictional blogs, and then inviting my fiction writing email address to co-write it with me. then I have to toggle back and forth accepting my own invites, and updating my third party blogging app. it’s tedious work, but I can’t wait to share the new fiction with you. best wishes,  fictional every-genre blogger